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Directed Panspermia? |
metal-enriched galaxy 300 Myr after BB |
A comprehensive, functional repertoire of the human genome |
...tiny sparks jump-started life on this planet |
Life that could live under the ice of Europa or Enceladus? |
The mechanism that transports ATP |
Insect genes by HGT |
Methane on Mars |
Hemoglobin is a protein of four subunits |
Bacteria in comets |
Fungal chromosomes horizontally transferred |
microbe-to-beetle HGT |
Life's amino acids and nucleobases on Bennu
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Rapid animal evolution by HGT from phage |
Bacterial genes enabled brown algae.... |
Dark comets |
Creative Evolution by Bergson |
biography of Henri Bergson |
...an endogenous origin for the organics on Ceres. |
"Starships" |
"Living Habitats in Extraterrestrial Environments" |
growing bacteria in samples of Ryugu |
HGT comes with GRN |
Genetic programs for embryonic development already present before animal life? |
Plumeworld |
Anaximander by Rovelli |
Giordano Bruno by Rowland |
Micro-RNAs |
Thomas Nagel |
books by Sean M Carroll and Adam Forrest Kay
...global environmental processes |
Tardigrade genes by HGT |
Is Earth Exceptional? by Livio and Szostak |
How did eukaryotic cells evolve? |
Chandra Wickramasinghe interview |
Richard Hoover lecture |
Compelling Evidence of Fossils and Microbialites on Ancient Mars |
Liquid water in the Martian mid-crust |
1268-meter core from below the ocean floor |
Convergent evolution of thorns |
large amounts of oxygen at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.... |
foreign genes functioning in animal genomes |
promising habitable zone exoplanet |
"Bonnet" mushrooms' very large genomes |
NYT: deep-dwelling microbes |
DMS on 67/P
Early quasars were shockingly normal |
Search for habitable planets with JWST |
The Catalyst, by Thomas R. Cech |
A collision with a dense interstellar cloud |
De novo genes from "rolling circles" of RNA? |
Ted Steele interview |
More rogue planets |
GTAs ...package host DNA into virus-like capsids |
Peter A. Corning |
Iron snow fueling life on Europa? |
The public acceptance of evolution |
The Soul of an Octopus |
Science journalism?
Epigenetic inheritance mechanism |
Message to Europa |
Origin-of-Life review |
EVs drive bacterial HGT in the ocean |
"Blue Planet Red" |
The Intelligent Universe by Hoyle |
a constant struggle |
Obelisks, a new class of RNAs |
Evidence for deterministic evolution |
Heterologous cell fusion |
A Brief History of Earth by Knoll |
How periwinkles became viviparous
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one amino acid at a time |
Are the genes actually old? |
The Transcendent Brain by Alan Lightman |
HGT from bacteria to mussels |
Eels cause electroporation |
New NCSE Director |
...hundreds of thousands of regulatory elements that emerged very recently |
Extracellular vesicles play a much greater role in horizontal gene transfer.... |
Pseudo-Panspermia |
The human genome contains over a million autonomous exons |
The Immense Journey by Loren Eisley |
When and where did COVID-19 first infect people? |
Life on ice-covered moons? |
A new law of evolution? |
Kuiper belt extends much farther...? |
Viruses by Marilyn Roossinck
exoplanet K2-18b |
serious questions about mainstream cosmology |
Interstellar objects are common |
The New Biology by Reiss and Ruse |
"tipping points" may introduce climate change |
Mars may have had an Earth-like climate regime |
transposable elements ...could mediate HGT in vertebrates. |
Nematodes survive a long freeze |
Bacteria make oxygen in subsurface ecosystems |
Large dust reservoirs when the universe was 600 Myr old |
Organics on Mars |
Germline mutations produce genomic innovation?
Eukaryotes appear to have a feature analogous to CRISPR in bacteria |
a wholly separate eukaryotic phylogeny |
Owen Gingerich dies |
...complex organic molecules at sch a vast distance |
P. Kyle Stanford |
Concerted Evolution |
De novo genes |
Jerry Coyne |
Yeast use autonomous transposons for HGT |
Interdomain HGT can provide immediate functional novelty to eukaryotes |
ALife reviewed |
Ocean to land ratio affects habitability |
Astrovirology review article |
Wickramasinghe et al. |
Introns and Introners
Disturbing the Universe by Freeman Dyson |
Biological outgassing? |
Uracil in Ryugu |
de novo genes that influence the growth of the human brain |
JWST sees galaxies that should not exist |
The Ryugu samples contain ...amino acids |
King Charles invests Chandra Wickramasinghe into OBE |
Life Comes from Space, by Wainwright and Wickramasinghe |
Wet Panspermia?! |
Stan Franklin |
Alien Oceans, by K.P. Hand |
Archeabacteria evolved into eukaryotes?
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The Peptidyl Transferase Center |
Astrobiology features interstellar panspermia |
...what's needed is proof.... |
Kurt Vonnegut |
The Whole Truth by P.J.E Peebles |
Mars' Christmas Meteorite |
Spore's membrane as a "biological capacitor" |
Cross-paradigm conversations |
HGT for leaf beetles and stinkbugs
...Mars was born wet | bacterial enzymes "remarkably similar" to human enzymes | Evolution of meiotic sex | ...Mars is this watery, habitable place.... | ...animals arose only after the accumulation of genes.... | James A. Shapiro | News from Webb Telescope | James Lovelock died | in evolutionary biology, ...same questions as a century or more ago. | Synthetic genomics | 741 distinct transfers to insects from non-metazoan donors
Vertical inheritance fails to explain major innovations | RNA Viruses reprogram host metabolism | "Protein-forming" amino acids in Ryugu | Origin of Life problem reviewed | Genes regulating germ cells controlled by ERV insertions? | Search for Lawki on Mars | Fungi became toxic by HGT | Darwin's Radio | parasites transfer LINES between snakes and frogs | All 5 nucleobases found in meteorites | Europan ice-shell dynamics | Mutations in non-coding regulatory DNA sequences... | Tanis creatures killed and entombed... | Methane as a biosignature | Bacteriophage and MGEs beneficial to bacteria | The Planet Inside
RNA molecular replicators achieve Darwinian evolution? | Oxidative metabolisms catalyzed Earth's oxygenation | Jamie Hamilton Wallis PhD Thesis | colibactin triggers prophage induction | HGT from bacteria created a new epigenetic system in animals.... | 493 genes in minimal model cell | Transposable Elements' outsized potential .... | Mars was wetter for longer.... | Sponges under Arctic Ocean | Directed mutation in human regulatory genes | Faint-Sun Paradox | Directed panspermia? | Defense cassettes shared by MGEs | Carbon isotopes signal ancient life on Mars | Mutation is not random | ...scientists have always known.... | Trace gases could support life | Bacteria in the very high atmosphere could escape.... | Falter by Bill McKibben | HGT between viruses and hosts
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MBE for Wickramasinghe | eDNA from air | Chimeric RNAs become genes?! | HERVH in pluripotency | Tanpopo | Large comet active far from sun | Fossils of the Tennessee Valley by Richard Keyes | RNA viruses host cellular machinery | chickpea genomes | Animal Citrullination by HGT | Curiosity finds new organics on Mars | criteria and proceedures for recognizing extraterestrial life | Cryo-electron tomography | NASA sees floods in Jezero crater | Old photosynthesis genes | Comet 29P erupts frequently
So what happened to all the cold gas...? | ...protoplanetary disks host large organic molecules | NASA says complex molecules indicate life | a retrotransposon transfers a learned behavior | Gene-editing in an unusual eukaryotic reproductive system | biology is the most likely source for organics in space | Flashes of Creation by Paul Halpern | Abundant interstellar comets in Oort cloud | New definition of life from Santa Fe Institute | Molecular time trees vs. the record of fossil plants | Worth a look? | Gil Levin died | 15,000-year-old viruses in glacier ice | "Borgs" are linear structures of DNA | new computer model for diversification | James Peebles quote | Methane in the plumes on Enceladus | Complete Course in Astrobiology (2007) | Complex organic structures in old meteorites
10^31 virus particles in the ocean | Enough water for life in Jupiter's atmosphere | An arc of galaxies 3 billion light-years long | Tardigrades can survive instantaneous pressure... | Origin of Life by David Deamer | RNA from COVID-19 ...into the DNA of human cells | Z nucleobase in meteorites | Naturally transgenic plant species | Richard B. Hoover video | ...bacterial genes by HGT | The Sirens of Mars by Johnson | DNA in air | Photosynthesis genes old as life
Whitefly hijacks plant gene | Convergent evolution - directed mutation - coronavirus | The Orgueil meteorite | models of prokaryotic pangenome evolution | Genes allowing oxygen metabolism 3.1 billion years ago | Probable Impossibilities by Alan Lightman | Perseverance | ...exon shuffling generating genetic novelty. | How did the human brain evolve? | the origin of tetrapods waiting to happen | Whole organelles can transfer between plant cells... | Constructive Neutral Evolution | viruses in the evolution of the eukaryotic nucleus | ...the meteorites must have been exposed to liquid within the past million years. | The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens
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COVID-19 sequences may become endogenous in the human genome | ...our understanding of the cosmos. | Patricia Ann Straat | Mutualisms between fungi and plants | SSoCIA | inhospitable environment supports microbial life | Widespread endogenization of giant viruses to green algae | ...ancient, conserved genomic regulatory syntax | Rogue planets | Eukaryogenesis and de novo genes
Inflation doesn't work... | the Hamburg meteorite | Steele and Wickramasinghe, eds. | Glycine on Venus? | HGT can potentiate adaptation | Wickramasinghe remembers Hoyle | OSIRIS-REx will gather samples from Bennu | Planets even better-suited for life? | Phosphene on Venus suggests life | What is Lyfe? | Bacteria survived on the exterior of the International Space Station. | Comet Neowise | Bacteria living on atmospheric trace gases | ...Aguas Zarcas fragment may hold amino acids and stardust that predate the sun | A salty underground ocean on Ceres
Fishermen isolated at sea get coronavirus | Ryugu appears rich in organics | Mars missions | Angiosperm genes look too old | Darwinism vs Creationism | ...a novel metazoan catalytic capability by HGT | Corona virus case study | a global, genomic-based biosurveillance platform | ...possibility that Mars hosts microbial life. | An asteroid with a tail like a comet | Hemoglobin evolved by duplication.... | Rattlesnake venom genes | Evidence for Life on Mars... | Somatic RNA can be passed on to embryos | Microbes can thrive on Hydrogen
The Emergence of Life by Pier Luigi Luisi | Tokyo astronomer looks at the RNA world | '...Protein Space' by Maynard Smith | Some Assembly Required by Neil Shubin | Coronavirus in NYT | ...a clear model for extant life and/or ...past life on Mars... | SSoCIA 2020 cancelled | ...the first report of an extra-terrestrial protein | How has Coronavirus spread? | ...trace fossils on Mars? | Orphan genes do not often emerge from divergence | Antioxident enzymes predating GOE | The Big Bang is widely accepted ...but... | The newest book from Chandra Wickramasinghe et al. | By 2020 ...sustainable evolutionary progress ...will not have been demonstrated.
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Can a chemical computer emerge spontaneously...? | Living messengers between the stars | ...our planet is in peril | beetle enzymes obtained from bacteria and fungi via HGT | James Peebles dislikes the 'Big Bang' | Oxygen fluctuations in Gale Crater on Mars | Genes-in-waiting | Hubble Telescope observes interstellar comet 2I/Borisov | ...a group of yeasts ...capturing multiple genes from bacteria through HGT.
Essential eukaryotic genes ...shared with large viruses | Giant viruses encode numerous functions previously considered exclusive to cellular life.... | "Initial Darwinian ancestor" ...before 4.5 billion years ago | ...how a genome can seemingly intentionally respond to stress.... | ...one retrotransposon can modify chromatin in early primate development. | Directed mutation can produce convergent evolution | ...the Ordovician surge in biodiversity | ...more genes in the human microbiome than stars in the observable universe | Archaebacteria with ESPs have been cultured | A star that is "older than the universe" | Darwin's Doubt | ...already possessed an extremely complex genome. | Enceladus data suggest a soup of diverse organic compounds | ...which genes may have played a role in the evolution of the placenta.... | ...stealing more than 100 functional genes.... | Arlo 'n' Janis | Gary Ruvkun (SETG) | ...a large insertion of DNA from the endosymbiont bacteria Wolbachia ...integrated itself directly into the pillbug chromosome.... | Astronomers and cosmologists...
APR-JUN: James Lovelock at 100 | Methane spike on Mars | ...an important mechanism for spreading life throughout the galaxy | Enceladus probably has conditions favorable to life | Viruses can communicate using tiny peptides | Cephalopods, flies, humans share genes | A gene for cellular metabolism in giant viruses | Venus was Earthlike | 500 mya the ocean was was 20°C warmer | de novo gene birth | Pluto has a liquid ocean? | archeae and the tree of life | The subsurface biosphere | beetles acquire and optimize GH45 gene | ...the Medusavirus and the origin of eukaryotic life | ...microbes can impact major geological processes | ...universe expanding 9% faster than predicted | the "grammar" of proteins | ...interstellar meteors could deliver life? | ...could be caused by magnetotactic bacteria.... | Helpful genetic mutations can be induced by environmental stress...
JAN-MAR: Mars had big rivers | Lingam and Loeb | NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission | Horizontal Operon Transfer (HOT) | The Demon in the Machine by Paul Davies | Darwin Devolves by Michael Behe | Planet-wide groundwater on Mars | NASA may send a drone to Titan | To Mars with Love | ...large blocks of DNA ...are laterally passed among distantly related species | The Cambrian Explosion was sudden | Oportunity dead | Doolittle and Brunet | The Society of Genes | ...the impact of a Mars-sized planet.... | Microbial life under 1,100 meters of ice | If you give me 8-mers, I'll give you life | ...all the central assumptions of the Modern Synthesis have been disproved
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Korolev crater on Mars | HGT is the only source.... | The Mars 2020 rover | Weather on a Comet? | Earth's deep life suggests microbes might inhabit the subsurface of other planets | Steele et al. reply | Nonhomologous end-joining and retroelements... in the evolution of advanced life | ancient lateral gene transfer from soil-derived bacteria or fungi | The lateral transfer of bacterial genes by viruses can be 1000-fold more effective... | Results from Tanpopo | panspermia is viable on galactic scales | Elegant and precise genetic programs | Cyanobacteria thrive in the deep continental subsurface | Green algae stole genes from bacteria
New research makes panspermia more likely | De novo genes continue to confound standard darwinism | The Tangled Tree | self-organized criticality | LUCA before LHB? | Dimitri Veras et al. | membrane vesicles and gene transfer agents | The Tangled Tree | Richard Hoover in Russia | Nematodes can survive... | ...the one-celled ancestor of animals... was already well-equipped for multicellular life | Minerals may preserve free DNA for horizontal gene transfer (HGT) | ...a stable body of liquid water on Mars | Widespread transfer of genes between species | Wickramasinghe in Pasadena
Not an asteroid | Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Australia | Complex organics in Enceladus's plumes | IDPs contain complex organics | Pandora viruses have at least a thousand genes | Data from the Curiosity rover are consistent with life on Mars | New genes increase the size of the human brain | An article by advocates of panspermia... | many genes...actually pre-date animals themselves | A giant marine virus has 663 predicted genes | Steamer-like elements in completely unrelated organisms | Mars methane probe | Cosmos mentions Steele et al. | What signature would our civilization leave? | ...previously unknown hypersaline subglacial lakes... | ...another, hitherto unrecognized environment | TEs are primary new regulatory genes in primates
Life in the clouds of Venus? | Space dust ...contains bacterial DNA | Ted Steele et al. | Mars' ocean... | ...life in our galaxy will be mostly unicellular bacteria | Brines recently flowed on Ceres | Viking remembered | Life on Enceladus? | ...hope for life on Mars | ...Pseudo-fossils? | Molecular clock analyses always come up with older dates than fossils.... | Histone genes in a giant virus | Lingam and Loeb on 'Oumuamua | Every day, more than 800 million viruses are deposited per square metre.... | No LHB? | NASA Planetary Protection Officer | ...remnants of ancient retroviral infections. | Viruses Drive Evolution | ...some evolved into genes that let cells communicate | Mike Mumma on Mars' methane | ...the organic matter originated from ...an ocean world in the early solar system, possibly Ceres
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...some bacteria inject a toxic cocktail into their competitors | Jerry Fodor | The Cosmic Zoo | Robert Zubrin favors panspermia | Ancient fossil microorganisms... | ...ancient Archea, millions of years old | ...the possibility that atmospheric gases support life on other planets. | Large impacts on Mars... | ...viruses share genes across the three superkingdoms of life.... | ...initiating the first step of the panspermia process | ...microbial life inside Martian permafrost.... | Enceladus | Phtosynthesis and remote life detection | Interstellar asteroid | serpentinization? | Life Special Issue | A virus carries a gene essential for insect metamorphosis | panel discussion at the Library of Congress, 2016 | parasitoid wasps as frequent agents of horizontal transfers in eukaryotes | Mars once contained a vast inland sea.... | ...missions to Mars have been geology focused. | Carl Zimmer quotation | Methyl Chloride in a young star system
Sri Lanka awards Wickramasinghe | ...multiple waves of LINE retrotransposition and the birth of new mobile elements during primate evolution.... | ...that a horizontal gene transfer (HGT) event introduced the reflectin gene into ancient cephalopods | an interview with Nigel Goldenfeld | ...a different code embedded in histone marks | Improbable Destinies by Jonathan B. Losos | Solution to Fermi's paradox? | The possibility of life on Enceladus | Our origins are much less local than we previously thought | Geneticists in Scotland | The existence of so many more long-period comets than predicted.... | How bacteria remember and defend against viruses
Comets contributed to Earth's atmosphere | ...conditions necessary to establish a habitable environment were present on Mars | Microrganisms on ISS? | ...protein-coding genes can originate de novo from non-coding sequences. | Retrotransposons often carry long terminal repeats (LTRs)... | Nowak et al. | Methanogens on Mars? | ...Plume of water on Europa | ...HTT as a major force shaping insect genome. | Enceladus | ...Klosneuviruses encode an expanded translation machinery | Horizontal gene transfer impacts hundreds of human genes.... | Harvard Origins of Life Initiative
Oxyphotobacteria acquired the genes for photosynthesis | Facts and Speculations in Cosmology | Rosetta saw a landslide on comet 67P | ...KZFPs partner with transposable elements to build ...epigenetic regulation. | New estimate predates earliest fossil evidence by 800 million years. | ...all the way back to the precellular era | ...at least one methanogen could survive in the deep subsurface environment of Mars | mineralized remains of bacterial sheaths and extracellular filaments that are 3,770 to 4,280 million years old | The common ancestor was complex | The horizontal transfer of transposable elements... | Earthlike planets around TRAPPIST-1 | Archeae contain many eukaryotic signature proteins | ...giant viruses present an astonishing arsenal of genes | Ceres ...may harbor life. | Earth's atmosphere contained only 2% to 4% oxygen | Mars rover and Bursts of methane | A virus ...listens to messages from its relatives | Scientists at the University of Chicago.... | essay by Eugene V. Koonin | ...they've been around for hundreds of millions of years. | Gary Ruvkun re: SETG
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Vera Rubin (1928-2016) | The History and Philosophy of Origin Research | ...bacteria-to-animal horizontal genome transfer | Evidence for past life on Mars from Gusev crater | ...eukaryotic hosts are involved in bacterial HGT.... | Avi Loeb on the standard model of cosmology | Elizabeth Pennisi comments on hybridization among animals | George Church: Prove it | James Lovelock biography | ...Then, perhaps within minutes.... | New Advisory Directors of ART | ...many genes ...have a premetazoan origin | ...a bacterium ...using animal genes found in a virus | the microbial world can move genes according to need | The presence of the ISB stromatolites... | Scientists now recognize that microbes transfer DNA... | Rosetta Mission Ends | The Genesis Project | Viking results positive for life on Mars | The Kingdom of Speech | SETI | Can antagonistic evolution compose de novo genes? | Venus Habitable? | ...the probability of finding ourselves.... | Richard Hoover in Moscow
Life on Mars in The Washington Post | A cell's deciphering arsenal | Günter P. Wagner quotations | Slava Epstein | Robust software management systems... | Early complexity supports panspermia.... | Hoover paper | Wickramasinghe | ...In multiple meteorites ...sugar acids contain large excesses of the d enantiomer. | ...The mutation event was the insertion of a transposable element | genes of gut microbes "jumped" to their insect host | Rosetta links | Siddhartha Mukherjee | ...foreign gene acquisition across the tree of life | Contamination in Orgueil meteorite? | ...an essential protein via horizontal gene transfer | Hidden exons in Chlamydomonas | ...The genetic basis for the evolutionary transition emerges much earlier than anticipated.... | Pennisi re: darwinism vs creationism | Genetic programs that predate the features they encode.... | ...The unicellular ancestor of Metazoa already had a complex gene repertoire.... | ...The presence of CH4 and C2H6 clathrates in the nucleus of 67P | Microbiology puts the neo-Darwinian synthesis in jeopardy.... | NASA ...to grow potatoes on Mars | Diverse microbial life thrives in aquifers under the deep ocean floor | ...Over 120 endogenous retrovirus insertions that are not present in chimpanzees, bonobos, or gorillas | The first molecular-resolution reconstruction of a central assembly of the human spliceosome
...we set out to construct a minimal cellular genome | ...Viruses likely initiated major evolutionary shifts. | quotation from Sir Patrick Bateson | Viruses... have had a significant impact on the evolution of all organisms, from bacteria to humans | ...These viral fossils probably played a key role in the evolution of our species.... | Comet 67P has a bulk density of .533 | ...Thousands of dead genes scattered throughout your genome.... | ...You'll begin to jeopardize communication | The bed bug genome... | Does the Gaian bottleneck solve Fermi's paradox? | Chandra Wickramasinghe's new autobiography | Thousands of human and/or chimpanzee-specific genes are derived from previously silent DNA
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...suggesting that HGT provides important contributions to metazoan evolution | The Senior Astronomer at SETI | specified by previously nonexistent genes | Approximately one-sixth of the genes ...were found to have been acquired through horizontal transfer.... | Genetic residue from ancient viral infections has been repurposed to play a vital role.... | Rosetta: Did Comets Bring Life to Earth? | Abundant O2 in the atmosphere of comet 67P | ...The last unicellular ancestor of animals was already capable.... | A fossil on Mars resembles one on Earth | Mars fossil UPDATE | Astrobiology journal | ...Europa's ice has been penetrated often in the past | Carbon isotopes ...in 4.1 billion-year-old zircon. | ...preadapted for symbiosis. | A 500-year experiment to monitor bacterial dormancy | ...advanced functional systems of the eukaryotic cells were already present ... | There is water on Mars! | Nearly 65% of the proteins ...have no known homologs. | The nuclear genome is an ever-evolving mosaic of DNA.... | The abundant occurance of lateral gene transfer.... | giant virus 'comes back to life' | Pluto | Schulze-Makuch | Wallis & Wickramasinghe | Thousands of transcripts ...which are likely to have originated de novo....
Rosetta | Frank Ryan, The Mysterious World of the Human Genome | Links about organics on Comet 67P | ......The complete gain and loss of functional promoters.... | ...Life which arose via spreading will exhibit more clustering.... | Planets like Earth.... | ...Microbial communities ...at ~1.5 to 2.5 km below the seafloor.... | Yuri Milner | "All cellular organisms persist and evolve under a perennial onslaught of (MGEs)...." | ...The sur prising density of the web of life | Microorganisms within meteorites could survive hypervelocity entry from space | Peter Saunders | Richard Hoover reinforces the claim that life may exist on Comet 67P | ...The entire basic genome is continually exchanged....
The Origin of Life Circus | Luis P. Villarreal | Several Mars meteorites contain methane | Gil Levin | Philae wakes up from hibernation | Astrobiology returns to San Diego | Methanogens on Mars? | Science Under Attack! | Waterworlds, The Economist | Comet 67P from 19.9 km | Europa in Time | Interview with Eugene Koonin | Interview with Ford Doolittle | Numerous genes for Eukaryotic Signature Proteins (ESPs) have been found in Archaea. | Diversity-generating retroelements | We may owe our survival and complexity to a stowaway virus.... | Nathalie Cabrol | A galaxy less than 2% as old as the universe... | Philae came to rest almost two hours after touchdown | Mars is currently a habitable environment | Astrobiology Conference in Sri Lanka
...Fixed nitrogen on the surface of Mars | Origin-of-life puzzle cracked | Reflectance spectra for a diverse range of pigmented microorganisms.... | Ganymede has more ocean water than Earth | Wickramasinghe et al. re: Rosetta | ...HGT has occurred, and continues to occur, ...in metazoans | A primitive ocean on Mars held more water than Earth's Arctic Ocean | ...We can detect no evolutionary intermediates. | ...Natural selection can rapidly rewire regulatory networks.... | Nickas link re: airborne pathogens | ...Complex organic molecules are abundant in the CND.... | This Idea Must Die | Craig Venters | Dimitar Sasselov's Online Course | ...We owe the evolution of pregnancy to ...genomic parasites. | News and close-up pictures about comet 67P | ...Deliberate killing ...releases DNA and makes it accessible for HGT. | Bacteria are like smartphones | Inherited viruses play an important role in the human brain. | The "Breakthrough of the Year" | Rocks ...on Mars resemble biologically formed ones on Earth | When a mobile genetic element inserts into the host genome....
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By mining ERVs from 65 host genomes sampled across vertebrate diversity.... | Molecules ...on Mars have been confirmed as organic matter | Methane on the Red Planet | ...Comet-rendezvous missions reveal features consistent with cometary panspermia | The Tissint meteorite contains organic carbon that may be evidence for past life on Mars | ...tae genes have been transferred to eukaryotes on at least six occasions.... | ...DNA's genetic information is capable of surviving space and the re-entry | ...Curiosity carries no life-detection capability. | Russian experiment links | Luis P. Villarreal | Rosetta / Philae lander / comet 67P updates | Horizontal gene transfer is ...not limited to microbes | Comet Siding Spring will pass close to Mars | ...gene acquisitions for metabolic functions from bacteria as key innovations in archaea | Does evolutionary theory need a rethink? | 24 hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes were identified | a Biological Complexity Index (BCI)
...Abundant interstellar ices are available to all nascent planetary systems | Even more complex organic molecules have been found in space | 23,849 anthropoid-specific constrained (ASC) regions | ...Extensive gene loss and horizontal gene transfer leading to innovation are the two dominant evolutionary processes.... | Quote from J Physiol | Plankton found in space | Hoover, Levin respond to critics | ...The set of known underground reactions has a significant potential.... | Rosetta updates | ...Aqueous solutions could form temporarily ...on the Martian surface and in the shallow subsurface | "The Third Way" website | David Grinspoon on Gaia | ...Horizontal gene transfer ...need not be random | ...Effective inter-domain transfers and subsequent adaptation of a prokaryotic gene in eukaryotic cells
The same genes were recruited within the different species to make evolutionarily new structures.... | ...Ready-made tools for genome manipulation.... | Christopher P. McKay | Karl Popper paraphrased in WSJ | quote from Turelli et al. | ...I have found the remains of lifeforms that are ...extraterrestrial. | The Origin of Eukaryotes | ...Methanogens could potentially inhabit the subsurface of Mars. | Bacteria can survive... | Viruses... as a reservoir of genetic diversity. | Where Do New Genes Come From? asks Carl Zimmer | Lunar samples ...contain complex organics | Brilliant Blunders by Mario Livio | James Lovelock's A Rough Ride to the Future | Barsotti Cartoon | A sea under the South pole of Enceladus
Michael Syvanen | Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey | "Traditional evolutionary biology..." | ...Most organisms are in fact chimeras.... | Giant virus resurrected... | ...Pivotal advances in genetics.... | Astrobiology website | ...More benign to life than Earth. | Earthlings may be extreme latecomers.... | Old Mars rover finds signs of ancient water | Water on Ceres | Water in interplanetary dust is a byproduct of solar wind | The earliest steps in de novo gene origination remain mysterious. | Rosetta awakens! | ...A whole new ecosystem | Environmental DNA in aquarium water... | If only those ideas get published that are considered orthodox... | ...There was a burst in retroviral activity | Wickramasinghe interviewed by du Tertre | ...Much of the genetic machinery ...was present in the ancestor of all extant animals.
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...water may still run across the surface.... | Eugene V. Koonin's book, The Logic of Chance | Gil Levin... demands that NASA release evidence of Martian life | This is combustion of organic carbon, folks | ...transfer of rock capable of carrying life... to all the terrestrial planets.... | ...An ancient Martian lake ...could have supported life as we know it for long stretches.... | an educational poster | Astrobiology... by Catling | ...A large percentage of the ...regulatory toolkits were already in place.... | Marc Kirschner quotation | We Are Not Alone | ...Some genes and proteins ...are already present | ...Organic material can survive.... | ...Milky Way galaxy contains something like 40 billion Earth-sized planets with lukewarm temperatures. | Evolution is mediated ...also through the mixture of genomic material between individuals of different lineages | Russian scientists confirmed that life could be seeded on Earth from space | Manfred Eigen's new book | ...DNA repair mechanisms ...to persist on other icy worlds | defense of Chandra Wickramasinghe | A remarkable level of intergenera gene exchange
email from Gil Levin | 5 entries on Space.com | Wallis et al. re: Polonnaruwa | EPSC story | A major problem with all origin-of-life theories... | ...Bacteriophages serve to shuttle genes between diverse ecosystems.... | ...A latent potential for evolutionary innovations with non-adaptive origins | Life on Earth may have come from Mars | Astrobiology XVI | ...A diatom fragment from 25 km high in the atmosphere | ...Evidence for life on Mars in 2004? | Giant viruses, bigger than many bacteria | Gilbert Levin ...the Viking lander discovered life on Mars | Genetic sequences from fish in Lake Vostok | Bacterial DNA in human genomes...
Correspondence with Michael Behe | Mars had an oxygen-rich atmosphere.... | It is surprising to have large, potentially complex fossils that far back | Where is the evidence for new genetic programming? | A large fraction of human PSs were already present.... | All gene trees differ from species phylogeny | The enormous scale of the invasion of vertebrate genomes by viral sequences.... | New pieces of the Polonnaruwa meteorite | TEs... have contributed hundreds of thousands of novel regulatory elements to the primate lineage.... | The origin of...? | We don't fully understand how evolution works. | Earth was seeded by panspermia. | Fragments of the Polonnaruwa meteorite
The world is beginning to notice Polonnaruwa | David S. McKay died | Life in Lake Vostok | Chemical analysis of apparent biological fossils in the Polonnaruwa meteorite | ..."live without dividing for millions to tens of millions of years." | A fragment ...has unearthly isotope ratios | We discovered massive transfers of a DNA transposon.... | Viruses ...only about 1% are actually pathogenic | Thomas Nagel questions the adequacy of neo-darwinan evolution | Life Under Antarctic Ice | ...Two challenges concerning the Polonnaruwa meteorite | A drill team in Antarctica has reached Lake Whillans | Many of our genes ...where did they come from? | Polonnaruwa update and photo from Huntsville | "Bad Astronomy"... | An early TV news report of the Polonnaruwa meteorite | More about the Polonnaruwa meteorite | Chandra Wickramasinghe talks about the Polonnaruwa meteorite | A carbonaceous meteorite ...contains fossilized diatoms | The Russian Academy of Sciences will conduct biological experiments in space | A retrotransposon was transferred at least nine times
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Evolution... by James A. Shapiro | Two new origin-of-life research programs are proposed | James A. Shapiro | More than 1,000 genes in choanoflagellates appear to have arrived by transfer | Archaea acquired more than 1,000 genes by transfer from eubacteria | Life does fine in sub-zero brine | Some regulatory sequences in the human genome have no identifiable orthologs.... | Bdelloid rotifers have acquired genes from more than 500 species | 910 genes apparently transferred from prokaryotes, fungi or viruses.... | Diverse bacteriophages carry genes for proteins "targeting the eukaryotic nucleus" | No methane on Mars? | A simple route to animal vision? | Evolution by subfunctionalization | Richard Hoover responds to Caleb Scharf's blog | Kluger articled in TIME | ....Life on Earth may have originated beyond our solar system
...The evolution of aerobic citrate metabolism among cloned bacteria | Neil DeGrasse Tyson endorses panspermia | Very large viruses coexisted with or preceded the first primordial cells | The horizontal flow of genes is a part of the story of life (Syvanen) | ...Consistent with the 'complexity early' view of eukaryotic evolution | Almost 80% of the genome is biochemically active.... | The Curiosity rover landed in Gale Crater on Mars | ...The genome of the Poriferan demosponge... contains an almost complete set of genes homologous to those found in mammalian synapses | ...It's how to make sense of what they already know | Arsenic-loving bacterium needs phosphorus after all. | The evolution of RNA viruses is more promiscuous than we knew.
Titan has a liquid ocean | A muscle protein core set... was already present in unicellular organisms | ESA... is giving credibility to theories that life came from outer space | miRNAs from plants can enter animal cells and regulate their metabolic processes | ...article about Chandra Wickramasinghe's work on panspermia | An interview with Gerald Joyce | Very young galaxies contain the heavy elements needed for life.... | Did Mars ever support life? | A live interview about nomad or rogue planets | Proving Darwin by Gregory Chaitin | Viable aerobic bacteria ...buried 86 million years ago | Sutter's Mill meteorite | The definition of life and speculations about its origin(s)... | Life-bearing planets... | A new Mars meteorite may contain biological fossils | Do supernovae enhance the rate of speciation? | ...A mission to Mars with a strong and comprehensive life detection component | ...several experts ...about fossilized microorganisms in carbonaceous meteorites.... | ...Life from Earth could have seeded other planets | Tennessee has passed a law.... | ...Globally shared standing genetic variation | Jacques Barzun quotation
Is there life elsewhere? How did life start ? | ...About 40% of all red dwarf stars have a super-Earth orbiting in the habitable zone | No theory is too special to question | ...The contribution of EVEs to cellular function... is exceeding even the boldest predictions | William Bateson quotation | The origin of the exquisitely complex vertebrate brain.... | The standard RNA World theory is disputed | ...Amino acids in carbon-rich meteorites ...high temperatures | ...A minimum of four independent lateral gene transfers... | An insect species acquired a beneficial gene... | First Contact by Marc Kaufman | Experimenters with ...a quarantined system report a breakthrough | Plant tissue frozen in Siberia for 32,000 years has been revived | Methane on Mars | Dimitar Sasselov's The Life of Super-Earths | Astrobiology XV at SPIE | Evidence for microfossils in meteorites gets a laughable rebuttal.... | Imaginative question | A Russian team ...reached the water of Lake Vostok | ...A vast population of free-floating giant planets.... | ...Stars are orbited by planets as a rule, rather than the exception. | The mechanisms for this increase in complexity are incredibly simple, common occurrences
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...pathogens may be advantageous to ...hosts through effective HGT events.... | ...Different rare species living in freshwater ...all leave DNA traces in their environment.... | The Baruch Blumberg Chair in Astrobiology | The data from every direction.... | Lynn Margulis died | Contact with Phobos-Grunt | Where do new genes come from? | Phobos is in trouble | ...Genes that were supposed to be exclusive to metazoans that are already present in their single-cell relatives | Theoretically, this is impossible | New genes are preferentially expressed... | A water ice reservoir equivalent to several thousand Earth oceans | Consensus is for textbooks.... | BCAB Newsrelease | Panspermia might reconcile creationism and neo-Darwinism | Neopanspermia and pathospermia | The protein was there to begin with | Snow has been falling on Enceladus for up to 100 million years
Single-stranded circular DNA viruses have entered eukaryotic genomes many times | More than 1500 genes necessary for the evolution of pregnancy | The Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology (BCAB) | A gene for nervous systems before there were nervous systems | Antibiotic resistance genes are much older than modern antibiotics | ...Adaptive introgression of archaic alleles... | Panspermia is more likely... | Fossilized microorganisms that are 3.4 billion years old | Water flowing on Mars today | DNA in space | ...Ancestral genes can control HGT | AbSciCon 2012 | TEs appear to have installed ...99 different primate-specific traits | NASA mission to ...an asteroid | A new video about panspermia | Genetic instructions for developing limbs and digits were present ...millions of years before | The Joint Conference of ISSOL and Bioastronomy | A video about viruses and evolution | Origin-Of-Life prize of 50,000 dollars
Astrobiology XIV | Enceladus's plumes come from a salty ocean | ...Two powerful competitors ...in a stable, mutually beneficial dance | A young star ...spewing jets of water into space | ...The tool kit for more complex plant architectures was already in place.... | YouTube video | The evolutionary transition ...required the acquisition of 3006 genes | Fragments of the Tagish Lake meteorite contain amino acids that are predominantly left-handed | Chris McKay | Tiny worms have been found as deep as 3.6 km below Earth's surface | ...We might be Martians.... | ...few, if any, of their essential [photosynthesis] components are completely new | ...more functional protein domains than the first cells! | DiRuggiero | ...probably even before the advent of multicellularity | Project BIOKIS | ...Viruses contain a genetic archive.... | Methane on Mars may come from life in surface fractures | Feyrabend
An analysis by Michael Behe | Bacteria can grow at 400,000 Gs | Did transposons come from viruses? | Natural selection... doesn't create | Jerry Coyne's blog | Nothing yet from Michigan State University | review of Virolution by Frank Ryan | J.B.S. Haldane | Richard B. Hoover | Comet Wild-2 was once wet | Comets and the Origin of Life is online | Residue from one of Stanley Miller's experiments | ...Viruses contain perhaps the largest collection of unknown genes.... | The Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology is being closed | ...Birth pangs of a paradigm shift | ...No question... | Evidence ...too hastily dismissed | ...Created a stir | Fossilized bacteria in meteorites are obvious
JAN-FEB: A two-hour TV program about panspermia... | Industrial yeasts contain genes and clusters of genes not found... | We'll create panspermia.... | A virus integrated into the genomes of humans and great ape males.... | A 23-gene cluster was horizontally transferred among fungi | ...Gene transfer from human host to bacterial pathogen | One-third of the water flea's nearly 31,000 genes are unique | Many genes were "born" on Earth much earlier than expected | Chandra Wickramasinghe has a new article.... | Genes for using oxygen appeared... long before oxygen began accumulating | NASA has found left-handed amino acids in many more carbon-rich meteorites | Many features appear to have originated more than once.... | NASA sees no life on Mars | Nematodes digest cellulose using genes acquired from prokaryotes | Anomalies ...have prompted a major amendment to darwinism | Horizontal gene transfer, or HGT, is a ubiquitous feature of genome evolution.... |
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...What level of substitution, we're not sure | ...A pre-adaptation | Other cosmologists claim to see beyond the big bang | Rebuttal | The existence of an aeon preceding our Big Bang | ...Class I RNRs... have spread to archaea and eukaryotes via transfers.... | ...It's not ET | Some bacteria can substitute arsenic for phosphorus | More microbes ...surviving beyond 100,000 years | The human genome contains about 1.8 million recognizable Alu sequence residues | Genetic material derived from all known viral genome types ...can enter the animal germ line | Search the Website | Chandra Wickramasinghe reviews... cometary panspermia | The software problem for the origin of life is not ignored....
A layer of organic compounds may give Kuiper-Belt objects their colors | ...suites of genes that you would never expect to find in viral life... | ...Articles from the online Journal of Cosmology | Genes are either very old, or they appear suddenly, without predecessors | Gliese 581g may not exist | Microbes in the high atmosphere will be sought by CASS-E | Their only function seems to be transferring genes. | Chances for life on this planet are 100 percent. | ...These LGT events certainly have radically remolded evolutionary trends in recipient organisms.... | Seeking Signs of Life | Eukaryotic genes come from... | Origins, evolution, and phenotypic impact of new genes | Evolutionary origin of HPG?
Bacteria survived 553 days' exposure to space | A life-detection experiment on Mars... by Gil Levin | More... Indigenous Microfossils in Carbonaceous Meteorites | ...Astrobiology XIII | Sponges have many genes that are used only by more advanced animals.... | Nineteen of the species... had RNA viral sequences embedded in their DNA. | ...Evolution can dial up these microRNAs very flexibly. | ...the possibility of an interplanetary transfer of viable microbes | Life on other worlds in Stephen Hawking's imagination | Infecting microbes can confer parasite resistance | Rosetta flew past the Lutetia planetoid | ...[T]hey rarely changed their minds | New mechanism for how mammals acquire genes | The problem is that the source of novelty is so dammed elusive | The Independent Evolution of Multicellularity | Christopher F. Chyba quoted on origin-of-life theories | ...Anthracene molecules | The hypothesis that an ocean formed on early Mars | What Darwin Got Wrong | A comet may be from another star | Signs of life on Titan? | ...Many of the key genes ...have a much earlier origin.
Nature asked eight experts.... | The SPIE Astrobiology Conference | A conversation with Jeffrey L. Bada | A brief history of panspermia | Past life on Mars is still the best explanation.... | We Are Not Alone | Transposable elements spread between disparate species by hitch-hiking.... | Gene transfer from a fungus to aphids | A dual-function gene is very old | ...A more ancient homology than the 'deep homology' of... (evo-devo) | ...Where life might be found in the universe | The Astrobiology Science Conference 2010 | Germs we eat may supply genes to the microbes in our guts | ...An encoded message in DNA? | How life might travel through space? | Multicelled animals live and multiply without oxygen in the deep ocean | Whole chromosomes can be horizontally transferred....
The search for life beyond Earth | ...The more water and ice we discover beyond Earth | Molecular Midwives? | Tanpopo will collect particles in space to test panspermia | Genes ...in our guts are 150 times more numerous than human genes | Thomas Alva Edison | Neil deGrasse Tyson | Extraterrestrial chemodiversity is high .... | We suggest that both ...were derived from ancestral bacterial proteins.... | ...Mars could be tested with a DNA analyzer | Such lateral gene transfers... could be an important source of evolutionary innovation. | Chandra Wickramasinghe reviews the case.... | ...Natural selection has favored both the movement and fixation of these exceptional invasive alleles. | The chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes have undergone wholesale renovation | A sea slug acquired photosynthesis from algae | Comets and the Origin of Life | A gene from a non-retroviral virus has been integrated.... | It doesn't accord with what we would expect.... | Often the majority of people surveyed believe that evolution is not well supported by evidence
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The protein is derived from an exapted DNA transposon | ...Interstellar dust includes a substantial fraction of biomaterial.... | NASA's David S. McKay sends additional information | The giant [Marseillevirus] adopts genes from the other organisms.... | Some microorganisms can survive interplanetary journeys.... | ...the percentage of genes transferred ...could be close to 100% | Life may make the methane on Mars | Ancient life remains the most plausible explanation for... the Mars meteorite | There is no such a thing as a 'simple' bacterium | Butterflies and caterpillars were once separate species? | Deep sea teeming with species that have never known sunlight | ...the bacteria can survive for hundreds, perhaps millions, of years... | 40,000 generations of E. Coli.... | Instead of life originating here on Earth... | These bacteria could survive on another planet | An asteroid covered with frozen water and organic compounds | There are now compelling documentations of horizontal gene transfer in eukaryotes....
HGT from multiple sources ...in eukaryotes | TEs are probably as old as life itself | Nearly half of the human genome is derived from (TEs) | The gain and loss of exons has contributed to the evolution of new features | If we didn't know about life we wouldn't believe it | Novel genes from noncoding sequences | "Is There Life on Mars?" on PBS | "The Origin of Life on Earth" in Scientific American | Most of our genes... were transferred from an endosymbiont | ...that this prokaryotic symbiosis could so profoundly shape the evolution of life.... | NASA scientists have discovered glycine.... | ...The source [for Mars' methane] must be 600 times more intense.... | Comets contained oceans of liquid water | Replies from darwinsts | Spermatozoa ...can take up exogenous DNA or RNA | Primate-specific genes were inserted de novo.... | The Earth too, is an island.... | Phobus-Grunt will fly specimens of Earthly life to Mars and back | Astrobiology XII | Sponges don't have a nervous system... but they do have a surprising number of the building blocks
More than 20% of diatom genes were apparently recruited.... | ...Some microbes thrive.... | The tree of life was always a net | A novel bacterium ...may hold clues | ...Metabolically active microbes ...in 111-million-year-old sediments | Formic acid ...on [the Tagish Lake] meteorite. | A brief introduction to panspermia | Astrobiologist Richard Hoover ...in a new short video | anthropologist Eugenie Scott | For prokaryotes, entire metabolic pathways ...could be added.... | This "adaptive" arm ...may be the serendipitous outcome of invading DNA.... | Chevrier quote re: water on Mars | Viral infections can augment the metabolism, immunity, distribution and evolution of their hosts.... | Rivers flowed on Mars more recently.... | ...a unique vertex in Mimivirus, possibly for genome delivery.... | Freeman Dyson thinks panspermia.... | Life is nothing but an electron looking for a place to rest | quote by Thom Germer, NIST | An interview with James Lovelock | Two new complex organic molecules ...toward the center of our galaxy | Microbial life trapped in darkness under ice accounts for the "Blood Falls"... | ...eukaryotes have apparently used horizontal gene transfer extensively... | Stephen Hawking endorses panspermia
Bacteria rapidly acquire whole metabolic pathways by the horizontal transfer of multiple genes | ...Lateral transfer among eukaryotes and between eukaryotes and bacteria appears to be an on-going and not too infrequent process. | Predominantly left-handed amino acids | Three new species of bacteria... in the upper stratosphere | Lynn Margulis | ...The gene has been 'dead' for at least 25 million years.... | Earth seeded with life from Ceres? | HGT ...in the third great domain of life, the eukaryotes. | James Lovelock's The Vanishing Face of Gaia | ...almost all of their major evolution took place before we have any record of them | Russia plans ...a round-trip to Phobos in October | ...these changes allow bacterial transcription factors to incorporate newly acquired genes into ancestral regulatory circuits.... | ...genes of viral origin are used by eukaryotes.... | ...Living microbes could have survived... | Liquid water on Phoenix lander's leg? | Mosquito survives in outer space | Titan's atmospheric methane requires a source | The placula already had all the genes necessary... | Lignin has been found in marine algae | Nonretroviral RNA viruses may have contributed more substantially and directly .... | Methane plumes on Mars may come from life | Methane has been detected in the plume of Enceladus | Latent evolutionary potential was realized soon after environmental limitations were removed. |
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Retroviral genome invasions... continue to the present day. | Maybe heat-loving prokaryotes are not the oldest form of life | How ancient organic molecules ...form the basis of life? | Organic compounds can also be a by-product of life processes | Glycolaldehyde 26,000 light-years away | The discovery answers an age-old question | Huge glaciers buried under debris on Mars | new hosting company | Life has a role in the origin of minerals | ...Borrowing a couple of genes.... | Only a Theory | Horizontal transfer (HT) of DNA transposons.... | On Mars, plumes of methane.... | Hundreds of genes from bacteria are found in diatom genomes | Residue from one of Stanley Miller's experiments.... | A short video about pseudo-panspermia | Three more early works by Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe
AUG-SEP: Syvanen about HGT | Woodstock of evolution? | The virophage ...mediating lateral gene transfer between giant viruses | ...Multiple independently acquired genes....x | Tardigrades survived ten days in space | Proofs That Life Is Cosmic | ...Genomic complexity was present very early on.... | Sponges don't have nerve cells.... | The origin of new genes in ...fruitflies | Something is missing in our understanding of how evolution produced complex creatures | Finding perchlorates ...on Mars | The potential for life on Mars | ...Martian water has been touched and tasted | ...at least 81 ± 15% of the genes ...were involved in lateral gene transfer
The number of cases of HGT involving eukaryotes is now so great... | We don't have a clue | What'sNEW cover page | The Design Matrix | Current methods of gene sequence alignment are error-prone | Multicelled animals use a three-part molecular toolkit | Vertebrate and jellyfish eyes use similar genes | Proof of water ice on Mars | Panspermia is considered in depth | Another attempt to advance the Evolution Prize | Organic compounds in the early solar system | We will see organics, for sure | Cloned bacteria evolved an unexpected feature | Prokaryotic life in Earth's deep dark ocean.... | ...Explaining the universe?
How a virus became a retroposon | Caltech reconsiders life on Mars | Astrobiology Society of Britain | Arthur C. Clarke... | Richard Dawkins endorses panspermia | YouTube videos about panspermia | Placental genes have ancient origins | Earth's first animal... | The 5th Astrobiology Science Conference | Wickramasinghe interview | The origin of eukaryotic RNA polymerases?
An amino-acid-like molecule.... | Microbial life inside Enceladus? | Bdelloid rotifers | Methane and water, but no carbon monoxide.... | Could an ocean on Titan contain life? | Viruses serve as gene banks for ecosystems?! | Meteorites with the highest observed concentrations of amino acids.... | Instead of sweeping uncertainty under the rug.... | The ...cosmic biosphere | A carbonaceous meteorite collected in Antarctica.... | The hypothesis... is plausible | An intuitively unlikely evolutionary event has... occurred at least twice.... | All scientific theories are subject to revision | More metazoan genes came before metazoa | Red Rain ...has historical precedents | SPIE's 11th Astrobiology Conference | Did meteors cause ...Biodiversification Event? | Did life begin on a radioactive beach? | Extrasolar planets | ...Only rarely have phylogenetic studies of morphology and DNA data agreed.... | A sudden diversification of life....
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Do thawing glaciers speed up evolution? | Ancestor ...molecularly complex | Shuttle experiment to study effects of space on bacterial spores | Eukaryotic phylogeny better represented by a network | Use a credit card to purchase books | Lateral gene transfer – NSF | Darwin might be surprised | Surprises come from... fruitfly genomes | Ancient retroviruses spurred evolution of gene regulatory networks... | We could have alien origins | You can think of the genome as a revolving door | The Desaguadero Meteorite | New genetic functions arise when selection is imposed on a minor side function... | Cosmology ...isn't a science
The genomes of 17 species of fungi | A meteorite caused illness? | Lateral gene transfer... between bacteria and multicellular organisms.... | Varying environments can speed up evolution | When I repeated the Viking experiments... | The genome of the sea anemone... | The great obstacle... | Comets are much more likely than Earth... | The Limits of Organic Life... | Evolution is recycling | New web host
Yawning gaps.... | The Edge of Evolution by Michael Behe | Liquid water on the surface of Mars?! | ...with a surprising assist from genetic elements usually derided as mere junk. | Superficially unrelated articles in Nature | A Simpler Origin for Life | The genetic and developmental toolkit...was around... | ...Ionizing radiation significantly enhances the growth of fungi.... | ...The focus has shifted | E.O. Wilson thinks panspermia is likely | ...Durability could enable haloarchaea to survive the period of deep-space travel....
How did life on Earth originate? | I felt sick to my stomach | ...The movement of plant genes... involves a complex web.... | All retroviruses are very old | More about gene transfer | ...a revision of such concepts as ...evolution itself. | ...methane lakes on Titan | ...The bacteria ...could exist on other planets | ...It is vital that there be ...intermediaries | Viking experiments are reinterpreted
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Many genes... have been in the tree of life... | We humans are embedded in a microbial world | Water still flows on Mars?! | Human genes contain duplicated sequences | Evolutionary Dynamics, by Nowak | Zolensky | Acquisition of an advantageous gene? | Stanford book review | Dawkins | Chandra on BBC | Sea urchin has unnecessary genes | The Making of the Fittest | Harvard's Origins of Life program
Did Viking find life on Mars? | Bacteria deep underground subsist on radioactivity | 'Jumping genes' are now regarded as major players | Can plants overwrite unhealthy genes? | Deinococcus | What rhodopsin is doing.... | Conference on Cosmic Dust and Panspermia | A gene left behind... | The Evolution Prize | ...They hold a reserve of genetic information | Wickramasinghe | Life may have arrived from outer space... | A life-bearing planet could seed a galaxy | Chandra Wickramasinghe discusses the red rain | The case for life on Earth 3.8 billion years ago | Segmental duplications
Conference on Cosmic Dust and Panspermia | Viruses' diversity and promiscuity | Bats and horses | Novel genes derived from noncoding DNA | Early life... was already diverse | Galaxies theoretically young look old | Blowflies were preadapted | Another Intelligent Design Theory | Robert Shapiro on the RNA World | NASA's Astrobiology program | ...Many more genes in the viral world | The structure of a bacterial enzyme that inserts mobile gene cassettes | Organic matter in meteorites is extraterrestrial and ancient | New primate gene | Genes undergo rapid mutation and selection immediately after transfer | Once one planet comes down with life....
Darwinian fundamentalism | Pristine meteorite samples | The Evolution Prize | Astrobiology broadens exobiology | Microbes produced methane on Earth 3.5 billion years ago | Irreducible complexity solved! | ...Eukaryotic Transposable Elements | Viruses And The Evolution Of Life | Blumberg | Earthly bacteria | Paradigm shift for evolution among prokaryotes | Fire and ice | Wet Enceladus | Endogenous proviruses
Can Viruses Make Us Human? | Retroposed genes have contributed to human evolution | Why has there has been so little change? | Splicesomal introns | Ohio biology students | Researchers evolve a complex genetic trait? | Origin-of-life theory comes up short | AbSciCon 2006 | UK Astrobiology Conference | Evidence for life on Mars from Nakhla | A cell requires 430 genes | Gerda Horneck | A toxin in spiders and bacteria | More survivors of Columbia | ...Replicable and predictable | Evan Eichler | Stardust landed safely | A dust storm couldn't have caused the red rain
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"Evolution in Action" | A dust storm caused the red rain? | CA website reviewed | Building blocks of life orbiting a Sun-like star | US Court: ID not science | Life as We Do Not Know It | Simple animals have complex genes | Microbes can hunker down | Transformation and conjugation | Marine worm has complex genes | Gene transfer, not duplication | Fred Hoyle remembered | Plant virus changes vectors | Photosynthesis genes in a marine virus | Lichens survive in space | The Scientific Legacy of Fred Hoyle | Mars methane not from volcanoes | Hyperion's craters | The origin of novelty | Panspermia reconsidered | Wilma | Michael Behe testified | Dione | Britten | Tethys photographed by Cassini | Organic chemicals common in space | More about Deep Impact
The chimp genome | Common bacteria share an infinite gene pool?! | Protein families from ancient templates | Prokaryote genomes reveal transfer | New book about the origin of life | Website navigation for HGT | Frost et al. | ...All the genes for building those complex animals existed.... | Deep frozen water in Ceres | Organics inside comet Tempel 1 | Schools should teach creationism? | More than 80 new exons... | Fred Hoyle remembered | Parallel evolution in fruitflies | Mirror life? | President Bush | Gene transfer in fungi | Cosmic organics | Rocco Mancinelli | Frozen water and methane on Mars | World Summit on Evolution | A new microbial tree of life
"Gene duplication..." | Degrees in astrobiology at Arizona | Books about Hoyle | Mars' methane not from life? | NASA and LITU | 3rd Alternative | The key to early eye evolution? | Conference at McMaster University | Jumping genes may be a headache... | Sagan | Report on NAI Conference | Lithopanspermia... | The 5th European Workshop on Astrobiology | Darwin-at-Home | Organics in Titan's high atmosphere | Book by Hubert Yockey | Jeffrey Bada is optimistic | Grinspoon re: Titan | Methane from life on Mars? | Astrobiology in Scotland | Brown stain in Genesis... | Chandra Wickramasinghe's scientific autobiography
Micro-organisms could be transported | Very old life questioned | Plants can overwrite unhealthy genes | Fresh-looking snow on Mars | Life's Solution | Astrobiology IX | A frozen ocean on Mars today? | Woese | Pre-existing genetic programs...? | Prokaryote to eukaryote gene transfer | Bacteria frozen for 30,000 years | Only 13% of adults | Duplication makes a new primate gene | Formaldehyde on Mars | Fitness Landscapes | Ernst Mayr died | Complex early genes | Moss grew in a spiral | Huygens landed on Titan | Venter endorses panspermia | Genes from retroviruses | Gaia's History | Gene exchange among archaebacteria
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Methane on Mars | Plastid Portability | Genes for religion? | A history of astrobiology | Microbes survived... | Panspermia and life on Mars | Evolution vs creationism on CNN | Wordcount | A new fruitfly gene | Methane on Mars | Human genes composed mainly of mobile elements | Apollo 12 | Evidence that 1,183 human genes were "born" | Vertebrate photoreceptor cells in a primitive invertebrate | Plant-to-plant gene transfer | Other theories of evolution?! | Ekers | The birth of a new gene | Was Darwin Wrong? | NASA Astrobiology Institute members' meeting
JUL-OCT: Knoll | Pack-MULE transposable elements... | A diatom genome has been sequenced | Cassini flew by Titan | Liquid water on comets? | A discussion of the Intelligent Design movement | Fungi from deep sea sediments revive | Eukaryote-to-eukaryote lateral gene transfer | Retroelements that confer a selective advantage | Chandra Wickramasinghe comments on sugar in space | Nova explains the origin of life | An article promoting Intelligent Design | Water vapor and methane... in Mars' lower atmosphere | Halobacteria repair DNA | The ring of life! | Gene transfer among eukaryotes | Changing spots on Mars | Microfossils in a meteorite | More about photosynthesis by gene transfer | 100 years old, Ernst Mayr... | Big bang predictions are not upheld
APR-JUN: Klyce | ...Stardust sees organic matter at comet Wild 2 | Knockout mice leave ultraconserved regions unexplained | More animal genes came from bacteria | Darwinism, Design, and Public Education | Organics in planet-forming discs | Microbes have stolen some of our genes! | Ultraconserved elements | Ehrlich | Viruses old as life? | Thanks, SETI League | Planetary protection officer | Mars may have life today | Darlington | The rat genome | "Can we ever hope...?" | Methane on Mars
JAN-MAR: Isotope tests inconclusive | Wolfram | Stratospheric bacteria to be analyzed | Meridiani Planum was wet | Rosetta launched | Nature notices panspermia | Evolution caught in the act? | Chirality from space? | Big bang revised again? | Nonliving to living? | Astrobiology free! | Small comet caused global chill? | 8th International Conference of Bioastronomy | Organelles transfer genes | The case for past life on Mars | "Opportunity" returns pictures | "Spirit" malfunction | Extraterrestrial genes cause extinction? | Microevolutionary processes sufficient? | Complex organics in interstellar dust confirmed | Isotope analysis of stratospheric bacteria is postponed | Rover "Spirit" bounced safely onto Mars | Stardust sailed safely by comet Wild 2
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OCT-DEC: Stress can increase horizontal gene transfer | Infrared telescope sees hydrocarbons | Coral contains many sequences resembling vertebrate genes | 3rd Astrobiology Conference | CNGs more numerous, better conserved than genes | Microorganisms may have spread throughout the galaxy | Water flowed on Mars for long times | Europe's Mars sample return mission | Napier | More changing spots on Mars | Mudflows on Mars | Amino acids in meteorites | The red rain of Kerala | Origin of the word "panspermia" | NAI Virus Focus Group | Genetic "fault zones" | As the burgeoning genome databases are analysed | Ward | NASA will explore comets for clues about the origin of life
AUG-SEP: LLNL will measure isotope ratios in bacteria from the high atmosphere | A river in Spain may model Mars' environment | Freezing cold Mars could have supported life | Galileo will crash into Jupiter | Theological implications of life elsewhere | Oceans on Venus for two billion years? | Harold | Earth's water from comets? | Panspermia possible | Could alien pathogens wreak havoc? | Goldman | How wet was Mars? | Photosynthesis genes in a virus | Gene transfer, wholesale? | Just balls of protein?
MAY-JUL: SETI looks at panspermia | More genes seem to precede the need for themselves | Gene transfer in evolution | NASA launches second Mars Rover | Introns | Commentary on Viking | Internet chat | Horizontal gene transfer | Live online chat | Mars Express on the way | Mud flows on Mars? | Computer model evolves complex functions? | More about Huygens | Revisiting the Miller Experiment
MAR-APR: SARS from space? | Point mutations vs rearrangements | WSJ looks at cosmology | Gould's account of macroevolution | Titan's methane biological? | Mars' changing spots biological? | More: fresh streaks on Mars | Here Be Dragons | Nanobacteria | Wales TV features Chandra | Water flowing on Mars now? | More on TEs | New target for Rosetta | What Evolution Is
JAN-FEB: TEs contribute to human evolution | Humanoid gene arose abruptly? | Amino acids in Murchison | Small gullies on Mars | Closed-system biological experiment | UK Astrobiology Forum | Discussion of panspermia | Genes from plants | NASA Astrobiology Institute | Evolving Inventions | Wingless insects re-evolved wings | Rosetta Update | Duplicated genes serve backup functions | Horizontal gene transfer | Rosetta cancelled | How bacterium resists radiation | Microbes in ancient ocean crust | Microorganisms in Europa's ice?
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OCT-DEC: No evolutionary progress in a closed system! | Life's Origin | Radioactivity and water support bacteria | Germs in high atmosphere | The Economist on bioinformatics | Meteorite with organic globules | Mars Updates | More on chimps - humans - viruses | Bacteria could survive | Photosynthesis by gene transfer | Universe full of microbes | CIDA not miscalibrated | Bacteria survive impacts | Cyanobacteria not so old? | Iris Fry | Biastronomy 2002 | Europan lava lamp? | Paul Davies | Thick / thin ice on Europa | Life on distant moons reconsidered
JUL-SEP: Ice falls from atmosphere | Bacteria in atmosphere of Venus? | Bacteria evolved on Mars? | Water on extrasolar planets? | Progress Redefined | Conference anticipates Stardust | Titan a puzzle | Cosmic smog | CONTOUR probably doomed | Survival by gene sharing | CONTOUR lost? | NASA reinforces case for biological magnetites | Chimps to humans by viruses? | Mars sample return? | RNA World: the latest | Glycine in space | Microbe fossil search on Moon? | Mouse vs Human | Acquiring Genomes
APR-JUN: New journals | Lots of water on Mars! | New amino acid | Astronomy Now: Life from space? | Magnetites nonbiological? | Lateral DNA Transfer | Bet on sustainable evolutionary progress? | HERVs = c. 8% of human genome | Universe always existed? | Hoyle Conference
JAN-MAR: Microbes in high atmosphere | Plant gene in a worm | Magnetites in ALH84001 | LPSC in Houston | Tardigrades | Correction | Recent Mars floods | Microbes survive pressure | Macroevolution demonstration | Europan tides and life | 33rd LPSC | Changing dark spots on Mars | Methanogenic archaea | Bacteria survive in space
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SEP-DEC: Research funding in 2002 | Gene for multcellularity in protist | Sugar in meteorites | Astrobiology conference | Was Mars all wet? | Bacteria color Europa? | Research at Oklahoma | Deadalus | 70,000 human genes? | Funds available | Genome research | Mars sample return | Deep Space 1 | NASA Conference | Plankton rain supplies genes | Mars' dark spots
JUL-AUG: ESA seeks water on Mars | Tagish Lake a D asteroid? | Farmer testifies | Bioastronomy 2002 | Fred Hoyle dies | Pseudo-panspermia | Fungi too old | San Diego | Viking | NATO Institute | Boiling comets | The moon | Nanobes | SETI | CONSERT
MAY-JUN: Adaptive mutation? | Life Everywhere | Europa | Mars meteorite water | Transpermia | DNA of revived bacteria | Astrobiology IV | Mars quarantine | European workshop | Eukaryote-to-prokaryote evolution | Macquarie Workshop | LINEAR | European Workshop | Contamination | Wickramasinghe | Italians culture bacteria | Museum of Natural History
MAR-APR: Mars Odyssey | Tagish Lake | Carbon dioxide gullies? | Giant comet | British mission | Comet ice? | Meteors could carry life? | Intronless paralogs | Nature features astrobiology | Hale-Bopp still active | 32nd LPSC | Simulated meteorite impact | Influenza and sunspots
JAN-FEB: Mars bacteria | Organics in comets | Mass extinction 250 mya | Distant dust | LGT in archaea | Human genome | Viking biology experiments | Where to land | Jupiter-like planets | NASA scientists find clues? | Terraforming Mars? | Meteorites in Antarctica | Liquid water 4.4 bya
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NOV-DEC: Ganymede ocean | Mutation doubles lifespan | Magnetotactic bacteria | Liquid water on Mars? | Indian balloon | Lake beds on Mars? | Lunar meteorites | Panspermia | Progress in Evolution? | TNA World | ESA on Mars | Organics in Leonids | Gene Duplication | Mars bacteria in salt crystals? | Cardiff Astrobiology Center | Methane without oil
SEP-OCT: Panspermia reconsidered | NASA's Mars program | Microorganisms from the Moon | Kuiper-belt objects | NASA's Chris McKay | 250 Million-year-old bacteria revived | Genetic regions transferred | Tagish Lake meteorite | Isolated giant planets | NASA's Mars plan | Prions | Organic Pigments on Mars? | Stardust results | Underground ice on Mars? | Stardust | by Gribbin | OSETI features panspermia | ESA's Beagle 2 | NASA's planetary protection
JUL-AUG: Tagish Lake meteorite | New website | Europa ocean | Bacteria in clouds | James Lovelock | Water on Mars | Meteoritical Society | Water vapor in space | Microscope aboard Mars Express | Twin rovers to Mars | Indestructable germs | Germs survive rocket ride | Mars announcememt | Introns' homing capability | Comet formation | Microtubules in space | ESA's detects CH3 | Deep Space 1 | New by Hoyle and Wickramasinghe | Bacteria at South Pole | Creationism vs Darwinism | Gas made gullies? | Europa missions
MAY-JUN: Water on Mars | Gullies and brackish water on Mars | Sugar in space | NYT article | Salt in Zag | Argon in Hale-Bopp | Mayr interview | Tagish Lake Meteorite | Beagle 2 | Viral enzyme integrates plasmids into human DNA | Online review of theories | Cosmology by Hoyle et al. | Rhythms in Viking data | Bacterial HGT | Nanobacteria conference | Reverse panspermia?
MAR-APR: Stardust captures organic compounds | Low-Cost Planetary Missions | Nanobacteria | Lederberg's microbial biosphere | Conference Reports | Contamination | DNA Virus Contribution to Host Evolution | NASA's Astrobiology Conference | Carolina Bays | Mars mission failures | Extraterrestrial gases in a sediment layer | Life on Europa | Mars sample return postponed | JAN's Yukon meteorite | Soybean experiments in space | Increase in cratering rate | Organics traces overlooked? | Tatahouine microfossils biological | Carbonaceous asteroid observed | Richfield essay | NASA may crash Galileo | Zhmur says fossils not contaminants
JAN-FEB: Viral gene serves human function | Stardust | HGT targets germ cells | Contamination! | Murchison microfossils | Stardust collects dust | Life above Vostok | CONTOUR | NEAR orbits Eros | Wickramasinghe and DiGregorio | New Mars meteorites | Russia to Mars in 2005 | Fossils in meteorites | Ecosystem on Europa? | Yukon meteor blast | HGT in Scientific American | Influenza and sunspots? | Adenine made in interstellar clouds? | Synthesis of organic molecules in space | Meteorite-seeking robot | Tower of Babel | Hardy bacteria | Europa's ocean | Mars meteorite's magnetites | NASA will host conference | Charon's spectrum
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DEC: Manmade meteorites | Astrobiology forum | Intelligent Design | Lord Kelvin | Europa | Deinococcus radiodurans | Microbes living in ancient ice | Minimal life | Mars ocean | Transgenes in germ-line | Germs in Mars samples? | Silence from Mars Polar Lander | Snowball Earth
OCT-NOV: Tunguska explosion by comet? | GECCO-2000 | NASA's CCA | Genetic engineers use viruses | Ancestors Martian? | Human Genome | Dark Life | Habitable moons | Horizontal Gene Transfer | Fish fossils in Lower Cambrian | Does Microevolution Explain Macroevolution? | Comets' black nuclei | Life Beyond Earth | Internet resource | Blood protein from digestive enzyme | The Fate of Life | Florida Today | Retroviruses appear ancient | No water after Moon crash | Microbes survive in space
AUG-SEP: Sulfuric acid on Europa | Nanorover to explore asteroid | Experimental evolution | Mars Orbiter presumed lost | Evolutionary Progress? | Europa's Ocean | Liquid water in another meteorite | Viruses deep under ice | Liquid water in meteorite | DNA biocrystallization | The Deep Hot Biosphere by Gold | Mathematics of Evolution by Hoyle | Stardust Update | Computer model of evolution | Kansas drops evolution
JUN-JUL: Seeding the Universe | Conference postponed | Fossilized bacteria | Science features evolution | Deep Impact | Planets in interstellar space? | Mars Express | How comets and meteors seeded life on Earth | Example of microevolution
APR-MAY: Stardust | Baruch Blumberg | Mars map | Siberia | Bacteria acquire toxicity from viruses | Mars cyclone confirms water | Blumberg to lead NAI | Dan Goldin | Planetary Dreams | LaMarck's Signature | Tectonic plates on Mars | Popper's criterion | SOLIS | Cytosine unlikely | Astrobiology II | Computer model of a cell | Virus as a shuttle vector
JAN-MAR: Other Mars meteorites | LINE-1s | Ad Astra | Human genome 1% HERVs | Problem not missing fossils | NASA finds clues? | It Came from Outer Space | New evidence for old life | NASA launches Stardust | Balloon experiment | Molecular clocks | Bioastronomy Conference | Astrobiology Roadmap | Mission to Mars
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NOV-DEC: PAHs in diffuse interstellar bands | Caenorhabditis elegans genome | Intron installed over 1,000 times | Consensus for Mars microbes weakening | Astrobiology Institute | Integration mechanism inserts genes
JUL-OCT: Genes too old | Chlamidia... has 35 eukaryotic genes | Callisto has underground ocean? | Hale-Bopp active | Fossilized bacterium in Orgueil | Immune system by transposon insertion | NYAS conference on HGT | Woese says HGT important | David McKay defends ALH84001 evidence
APR-JUN: Life deep in ice | Case for small comets | Ponding on Mars? | Hematite deposits on Mars | Genes older than fossils | Gene uptake system | Tatahouine meteorite | Mars rock formation by microbes? | Water vapour on Titan | Astrobiology Institute
JAN-MAR: Horizontal gene transfer | Red and gray K-b objects | 29th LPSC | Life in ancient ice | Europa images | Gaia society | Desert varnish on Mars | Safe handling of Mars samples | France may help sample Mars
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SEP-DEC: Horizontal gene transfer | NASA's Galileo spacecraft | 1998 Astrobiology conference | Scepticism about tiny comets | Nanofossils in ALH84001 | Integration of non retroviral RNA virus into eukaryotic DNA | Mars may still support life | NASA approves comet sample return | Guth says universe(s) eternal | Amino acids in Murchison | Mars: The Living Planet | Amino acids in Murchison not contaminants