Question | Answer From: |
Darwinism | Creationism/ID | Cosmic Ancestry |
Origin of life? | chance (1) | God/unspecified intelligence (1) | undemonstrated (2) |
Source of life? | the cosmos |
Origin of genetic programs? | chance (1) | God/unspecified intelligence (1) | undemonstrated (2) |
Source of genetic programs? | the cosmos |
Can mutation and natural selection produce microevolution? | yes (1) | maybe/yes | yes |
Can mutation and natural selection produce sustained macroevolutionary progress? | no | only with HGT (3) |
Can new genetic programs emerge suddenly? | no | ?/? | yes by HGT |
Has life inhabited Earth for more than three billion years? | yes | no/yes | yes |
Did higher life forms descend from lower ones? | yes | no/maybe, but how? | yes with HGT (3) |
Does apparent sustained macroevolutionary progress require ongoing miracles? | yes! (4) | yes/yes? | no. it's actually development (7) |
What existed before the standard big bang? (5) | nothing | God | something |
Was there life before the standard big bang? (5) | no | no | yes |
What caused the material world to exist? | the big bang | God | science cannot answer (6) |
What caused life to exist? | chance | God/unspecified intelligence | science has no answer (6) |
(1) The answering philosophy treats these two questions as the same question.
(2) The origin of life and the origins of genetic programs are assumed events lacking direct supporting evidence and without logical grounding except for the standard big bang.
(3) HGT = Horizontal [or Lateral] Gene [or DNA or RNA] Transfer. The transferred sequences often include coding for features unexpresed in the donor.
(4) The superastronomical unlikelihoods that darwinian evolution must overcome are effectively miracles.
(5) "The standard big bang" is thought to have created everything at once ~13.8 billion years ago.
(6) "Some Things Are Simply Given" [pdf | docx] by Brig Klyce, v 106, "Advances in Genetics," Oct 2020.
(7) Evolution or Development?